Lab 6!

So Lab 6, the updated version of Lab 5, is complete. I fell in love with making this map until I created the different shapes for the beginning, middle, and then end of the map and then when I created a shape tween for the different shapes, it really screwed up. So in the middle of the video, corners of the morphing territory get twisted around and it looks a little bad. But at least it worked out in the end and it showed the gained territory. The only problem, I believe, with this video is the shape tween in the middle of the video; the basemap and the moving tanks seemed to work out really well for the most part. I had to bunch up a few tank groups and then have them split up so there would be some space to save. It was a little frustrating but for trying the shape tweening for the first time, it wasn't a bad ending. I hope to get it right the next time I have to use shape tween.